Saturday, January 23, 2016

Origins Part Four

Did you read Origins Part One?  How About Origins Part Two?  Maybe you read Origins Part Three?


Well go ahead and read it, we'll wait.  Take your time, we're in no hurry.

So you're back for more right?  You would like to know where more of the stories from in By The Bay came from right?  Did it stem from something that happened to them or was it just a creative idea?

Well wonder no more!  Our wonderful author, Jenny Sparks, came up with a great idea.  Why not share how we came up with our stories.  

So, over the course of the next few days we will share our authors thoughts with you.

I hope you enjoy installment number four!

Zinnias Always Bloom by Mary-Jac O'Daniel

My story, “Zinnias Always Bloom” is a work of fiction. However, with most fiction writing, there are elements of truth embedded in the story. I am not the child of a military parent that moved my family throughout my childhood. In fact, I lived in the same house from the time I was two years old until I left for college. I was always fascinated with friends that came to my school and then moved; it was so different from the world I knew with deep roots and parents that had deep roots. After high school, through college and work experiences, I finally had the chance to experience what it was like to move to different places and make new friends. When I met my husband, I had already lived in four states and spent extended time in two different countries. I know what it’s like to move to move to a new place, and to bloom where I am planted. Those moves set the frame work for the story. 

Second Chance at East Beach by Michelle Davenport

"Second Chance at East Beach" is the first short story I ever published.  So I was excited to join the group.  However, I joined very close to the deadline so I was a bit worried that I wouldn't even come up with a story.  Originally I was going to do a story on Death visiting East Beach, but got stuck and had to leave it.  That may be a story for another day though.  My story kind of fed off my original idea, but I wanted to make it mine (so to speak).  It's not based on anything that happened in my life, but as I look back I can see a family member or two in the story.  Totally unintentional.    I just wanted to have something fun and upbeat in the book.  I think it worked.  Apparently my story surprised a number of my friends as they thought I would have written something different, maybe even a bit darker.  You never know what you'll come up with until you give it a chance.  And who knows you may see more of Stella and Second Chances some day.

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