Have you met our author Jamie McAllister?
She's the author of "The Mermaid". If you click on the AUTHOR INTERVIEW TAB you'll find an interview that we did with her as well as a few photos.
Each of the contributing authors submitted a question for this interview. Which makes for an interesting interview.
So stop by and check out Jamie's interview. Here's just a sample of one of the many questions.
What is your favorite genre movie and is it the same genre that you like to read?
I’m terrible at watching movies because I just don’t have the attention span for it. But when I do watch a movie, I like comedies. I also really enjoy super cheesy sci-fi flicks with awesome titles like Lavalantula, a movie about giant spiders that spew lava and terrorize towns. Those movies may not mean to be funny, but they make me laugh anyway. While I enjoy reading books that are funny, I tend to gravitate to mysteries. I enjoy all mysteries, from cozy/traditional to hard-boiled PI and true crime.