Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed! The Choral Alleluias of Easter morning shatter the quiet reflections of Lent. Well, to be completely honest, we have been rehearsing those Alleluias throughout Lent. The solemnity of the Sunday services, and the beautiful, mournful music of Maundy Thursday and the Tenebrae of Good Friday overshadow our practices until the big moment at 8:30 on Easter Sunday. As we climb the steps to the balcony, the service opens with brass and organ. My daughter and I position ourselves behind the rest of the family seated in the last pew to sing close to them. The high notes of the descants fairly fly from the balcony to the chancel and back. The white and gold of our robes and stoles mirror the Easter lilies and horns.
Between the services, we feast at the choir buffet. We temper our desire to eat some of everything with memories of Easters past, and the dozy sensations during the second service. If we stayed in the balcony, the nodding of our heads would go unnoticed, but, of course, we process to the chancel, where the entire congregation would catch us napping. And, there is the lamb, marinating in the fridge, with new potatoes, asparagus, and more, awaiting us at home. The 11:00 service is packed, every chair in the narthex is full and latecomers stand behind them. Somehow, though this is our second time today, the hymns seem fresh and new, even the beloved and familiar “Halleluiah Chorus” from Handel’s Messiah. Family, faith, music, and joy-what more could I ask for?
About the Author: Karen Harris is a writer and editor from San Francisco, now residing in Virginia Beach. Her story “I Have A Dress” appeared in By the Bay: East Beach Stories. Her story “Comings and Goings” will appear in Volume II which will be published in 2017.
About the Author: Karen Harris is a writer and editor from San Francisco, now residing in Virginia Beach. Her story “I Have A Dress” appeared in By the Bay: East Beach Stories. Her story “Comings and Goings” will appear in Volume II which will be published in 2017.
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